
Food for thought

Going Green: Four Ways to Embrace Sustainability to Your Marketing

hands holding soil and baby plants

From the organic vegetable isles and free-ranged meat to vegan cosmetics, consumers these days, especially Millennials, are driving sustainability movement into a much more personal level into their lifestyle.

As “going green” efforts grow in popularity, it presents the opportunity for brands to boost sales by appealing to modern consumers who are driven towards activism.

According to Kate Harrison in her Forbes article, “Fully 92% of consumers have a more positive image of a company when that company supports environmental causes.”

In order to capitalize on eco-friendly trends, help combat climate change, and reach more customers, brands must focus on sustainability. It’s a win-win!

sustainability-eco-friendly packaging

Show Off Your Eco-Friendly Packaging

Studies indicate that the majority of Millennials and Generation Z’ers are willing to pay more for a product that has sustainable packaging. In order to do so, brands should use recycled or biodegradable materials.

Using recycled materials, such as aluminum, conserves energy, and reduces waste. And opting for biodegradable versions of packaging materials, such as PCW recycled paper and cardboard, cornstarch, bubble wrap, and plastic, accomplishes the same. When consumers see your efforts to make a positive impact through sustainability, they will be more attracted to your brand.

This is a powerful branding move that can also cut costs for marketing teams.

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Invest in Sustainable Print Materials

Every brand recognizes the importance of showcasing a positive brand identity using print materials such as business cards and brochures. But, unlike popular belief, using print materials doesn’t have to equate to damaging the environment.

To reduce your environmental impact, invest in sustainable print materials. Use recycled print materials, waterless printing, plantable seed business cards, recycled cotton, and PCW paper to deliver an extremely professional, polished product that also protects Mother Earth.

By doing so, you’ll be doing your part to save the world, while simultaneously increasing brand appeal and boosting profits.

Sustainability Applies to Digital Too

Brands can save significant energy by implementing an eco-friendly web design. When you choose a green web host, you can help ensure (and advertise the fact) that your site is not contributing to global warming.

As Harrison explains, “Some of these [green web host] companies purchase carbon offsets to make up for the energy they use, while others tap into renewable energy sources such as wind and solar to power their servers.” These “lighter” websites even load faster, which gives you an upper hand against your competitors. Your site will have lower abandonment rates as a result of the quick loading time.


Myths Busted

The biggest mistake brands make when it comes to sustainability is believing the common myths surrounding it. The most prevalent of these myths is that sustainable printing is more expensive than the alternative, and has a lower quality than traditional printing.

The fact is that sustainable printing supplies and processes have improved dramatically in recent years. So much so that print marketing materials created with eco-friendly methods are indistinguishable from those made with conventional methods. The quality is the same, if not better. And, with the growing prevalence of eco-friendly print materials, the cost has decreased, making it a realistic and competitive alternative to traditional printing.

This enables your brand to do its part without sacrificing marketing impact.


As the environmental crisis worsens, it’s more important than ever for brands to implement eco-friendly practices. By doing so, not only will you be helping Mother Earth, but your brand will also be more appealing to those who stand by sustainability.

By using eco-friendly packaging, investing in sustainable print materials, using environmentally-friendly web design, and re-thinking the myths regarding sustainable printing methods, you can help save the world AND improve sales and profitability for your brand.

And by working with a trusted partner who can help you capitalize on sustainable printing opportunities, your brand can compete on the quality and effectiveness of your marketing materials.

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For more than three decades we’ve partnered with Fortune 500 companies to deliver marketing operations solutions. Led by a strategic account management team, we’ll help you develop, procure, fulfill and distribute printed collateral, signage, point-of-purchase displays, direct mail, branded merchandise and much more.


Mixed Reality Marketing: Three-Dimensional Storytelling

man with vr goggle on

Marketers are always seeking the next big thing; whether its an emerging trend, a new generation of consumers, a viral social platform, or a technological innovation. Many experts predict that the “next big thing” for brand marketers is the Mixed Reality (MR).

Mixed Reality (MR), including Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), is becoming more and more attractive. Technological advances give customers a whole new way to visualize and experience products in different settings.

According to David Roe in CMS Wire, “MR, also referred to as hybrid reality, is the technology that is used to merge real and virtual worlds and produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time.” It is predicted that a staggering 100 million consumers will be using MR by 2020.

In order to ensure future success, brand marketers should stay ahead of the curve and be able to capitalize on the opportunities presented by advances in MR technologies. So, what can brands do to take advantage of MR technologies?

AR on magazine and direct mail

Reimagine Advertising

MR technology enables marketers to be creative with their advertising experience by placing the brand image closer to the eyes of consumers.

Brands can take customers on an experiential “test drive” of their product before making purchase decisions. This builds confidence in their product with ads that can transform UX and the buyer’s journey into the next level.

Using MR technology, brand marketers can also tailor their ads by applying consumer’s preferences where the content of each ad shifts by specific circumstances and even with different languages.

This will help brands tell a better story in a more compelling and a meaningfully interactive way. With Millennials and Gen Z becoming the prime consumer group, the early adopters will have the upper hand in providing a superb customer experience and staying ahead of the competition.

Let Users to Truly Connect

Where there is content, it gets shared. You and five billion other smartphone users instantly connect via various social platforms. AR and VR are the new channels that marketers should consider to increase brand awareness. It is a new way for consumers to connect with your products on a deeper level, from the first-person perspective

For example, home-building brands can implement ways for customers to visually rotate and move furniture online in 3-D, enabling them to more easily see which products look best to them. They can also “see” how various materials and finishes will look and feel in a digital mock-up of a home.

This new trend also bridges the gap between the old and the new. The traditional marketing tactics are evolving as digital and virtual technologies mature, becoming a new storytelling medium for a new revenue stream.

Especially in the form of AR, where no wearable device is required but your smartphone to connect consumers with your products. Simply point and scan brochures or catalogs with an AR app to make a purchase or receive relevant product information and tips.

female using interactive screen to customize shopping

ChatBots 24/7

Some service leaders are now using artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual customer assistants (VCAs) as tools in their contact centers. Brand marketers should consider developing VCAs that can effectively interact with and provide technical support to customers.

By allowing well-equipped bots 24-7 to handle basic customer service queries, customers are cared for when needed, resulting in establishing trust-based relationships between customers and your brand. Using bots can also significantly reduce wait times for customers seeking assistance, which will increase customer satisfaction with your brand.

In the meantime, human representatives can focus solely on helping customers with complex, in-depth issues that require multi-layer customer support. As a result, they will become loyal shoppers and will recommend your brand to others.


As new MR technologies become more available, brands need to capitalize on the different ways to use them in relation to consumers.

By assigning bots to assist customers with simple service inquiries, giving shoppers the opportunity to virtually test drive your products with AR before committing to a purchase, and provide a meaningful first-hand experience to connect with your products, brand marketers can enhance brand awareness, increasing demand generation to drive sales and revenue.

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For more than three decades we’ve partnered with Fortune 500 companies to deliver marketing operations solutions. Led by a strategic account management team, we’ll help you develop, procure, fulfill and distribute printed collateral, signage, point-of-purchase displays, direct mail, branded merchandise and much more.


How Wine Industry is Shifting to Connect with Customers

Wine companies invest significant resources in conducting studies to learn what customers look for when shopping for their ideal wine.

However, it’s becoming more and more evident that many wine consumers don’t actually know what they want in a bottle of wine. Consequently, these efforts usually bring wine brands with little useful insight and only wasted money.

According to Gregory Carpenter and Ashlee Humphreys at Harvard Business Review, there is a more effective approach to gearing your brand towards consumers – educating and engaging with them. If most customers don’t know enough about wine to know what they want to buy, wine brands need to take the initiative and proactively inform them.

So, how can wine companies successfully engage with their customers?

Wine glasses

Influence Customers’ Tastes

Many businesses aim to meet customers’ needs through their products. However, in the wine industry, many customers don’t know enough about wine to have predictable preferences. So, how can wine companies know what to produce to satisfy consumers’ desires?

Wine companies can use their expertise in the industry to give shoppers what they want before they even realize they want it. Brands can put a personal touch on their products by producing wines that they want to bring to market, rather than reacting to consumers’ preferences.

The most effective approach to success for winemakers is to influence the tastes of their customers. By coming up with innovative labels, branding and marketing planning, and products, wine brands can attract customers and drive sales for their products.

Develop Relationships with Industry Influencers

Certain critics and influencers have strong product views that can affect buyers’ decision-making processes. So, what’s the best way to capitalize on critics’ positions of power in the market? Impress them with a truly superior brand experience.

Creating a smart and innovative atmosphere where critics and social media influencers can experience and taste your brand’s wines will increase brand awareness and demand for your products. At the same time, it will enable you to develop long-lasting, profitable business relationships with influential figures.

As a result of the growing relationships with wine-industry critics, wine companies can use those reviews and ratings to better market their products and drive sales for their brand.

influencer marketing

Build Brand Loyalty with Shared Customer Experiences

Consumers seek advice by reading reviews and ratings. If wine companies want to wow shoppers, they need to focus on displaying these factors that can sway customers’ decision-making process.

The trick is creating a brand experience that is truly superior to the competition. As Carpenter and Humphreys explain, “Consumers become fans and pay premium prices, despite the availability of literally thousands of excellent alternatives.” When your customers believe that they are purchasing the best of the best, they will be willing to pay more.

The in-store display can be an excellent way to promote your products. Having a vibrant yet elegant display stating positive reviews and comments by influencers and customers will help accelerate your product sales by swaying the purchase decisions of customers. Sometimes too much information is better than lack of one, especially not many customers have expert knowledge when it comes to selecting a bottle of wine.

And they will keep coming back for the same brand and products in the future, hence, growing brand loyalty.


Wine brands are discovering new ways to reach their customers. Instead of wasting money and resources surveying shoppers to learn about their wine preferences, they are focusing on influencing consumers with innovative products and creative packaging, and through influencer marketing.

Recommendations and strong reviews by influencers are an essential part of the decision-making process for modern-day consumers. By understanding the thought processes of shoppers, wine brands can help navigate them to make the right decision. As a result, it will create a fan base of customers who will remain loyal to your brand and increase your brand’s footprint in the market.

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For more than three decades we’ve partnered with Fortune 500 companies to deliver marketing operations solutions. Led by a strategic account management team, we’ll help you develop, procure, fulfill and distribute printed collateral, signage, point-of-purchase displays, direct mail, branded merchandise and much more.